The striking part is, Venus which is the cat's name also have different colors for its eyes..being one light blue and another one light yellowish green.
What do you think if you see the picture of that cat with that condition..but this cat is so popular because people can see the video...the real one.
A group of people could label this cat as being sprayed just to make it look that way.
Let's see and read the info Scott Stump share from Two-faced cat is drawing double takes across the web:
Venus, a striking-looking cat with two different color eyes and fur that is divided right down the middle between black and ginger, has warmed hearts as her pictures go viral on Reddit, Facebook and in a YouTube video with more than 600,000 views. Online conspiracy theorists suspected Photoshop, or even someone spray-painting the cat ("Meet the Parents"-style), but an appearance by Venus and her owners, Christina and Chris, on TODAY Wednesday showed that it’s all real.
One side of the cat is black with a green eye, and the other is calico with a blue eye. Christina, who lives in Florida, first heard about the cat from a friend who worked on a dairy farm in North Carolina. Venus was a feral stray living on the farm, and Christina’s friend snapped a few photos and put them on Facebook.
If you've watched the may have a lot to say about this now attention-grabbing cat named venus.
If you do..please share your thoughts about this matter...